Old Orchard Beach, Maine
fishing charters for

Striped Bass, Bluefish,

and Mackerel.



Ask about our 2-hr

Fish Lips Kids Trips


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Old Orchard Beach Maine  fishing for the kids.

Fish Lips Kids Trip

Old Orchard Beach Maine kids fishing charter.

Fish Lips! Kids Trip is a two hour trip focused on the young angler.  To ensure their Maine fishing experience is a memorable one we will: 

  • Fish for mackerel, harbor pollock, blues or striped bass

  • Watch seals swimming around the boat and sunning themselves on the rocks

  • Pull lobster traps and see the many creatures that inhabit the bottom of the ocean, including starfish, crabs and snails.

  • Come see a real working light house!!!!

  • Your kids will talk about this trip the rest of there lives.

    The first trip starts at 10:30am so you won't have to worry about getting them up too early.  I've found parents seem to appreciate that.  Over the years we have found that the the 2-hour kids trip seems to be a perfect amount of time on the water for the younger anglers attention span. 

Fish Lips!
Kids' Trip
1-4 People Additional Person*
2 hours $325 $25

        * Maximum 5 people for Fish Lips kids trips

For reservations please call:

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